Skyrim daedric weapons quests
Skyrim daedric weapons quests

One Soul Gem With A Greater Soul Or Better (Black Soul Gem For A Specific Piece Of Equipment)

skyrim daedric weapons quests

To craft a Daedric item, you'll need one of each of the following items. You can then use the Sigil Stone at the Atronach Forge, which is located in the Midden under the College Of Winterhold. First, you need to acquire the Sigil Stone, which is obtained by completing the "Conjuration Ritual Spell" quest after reaching level 90 in the Conjuration skill. One of the best types of items you can create with the Atronach Forge is Daedric equipment. RELATED: How Long Does It Take To Beat The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim?

skyrim daedric weapons quests skyrim daedric weapons quests

You can use the Atronach Forge to craft items out of an assortment of materials, and most of the items you can create are rare or hard to obtain through other methods. It's easy to miss if you don't know where to find it or how it functions. The Atronach Forge is one of the best hidden locations in Skyrim.

Skyrim daedric weapons quests